
"If anyone speaks, let him speak as the oracles of God. If anyone ministers, let him do it as with the ability which God supplies, that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belong the glory and the dominion forever and ever." - 1 Peter 4:11



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Be Like Your Father
- Brian Haines

June 19, 2022 AM

We are told to be imitators of God. More specifically, we are told to be holy, merciful and loving as our Heavenly Father. How can we fulfill this command?

Don't Complain
- Brian Haines

June 12, 2022 AM

(Based on sermon notes from Carey Scott) Scriptures tell us that we are not to complain. Why is this command so difficult, and how can we overcome complaining?

Taking Ownership of Your Salvation
- Brian Haines

June 5, 2022 AM

Paul told the Christians in Philippians to work out their own salvation. Part of that admonition is the concept of ownership. How can we examine the concept of ownership from a business perspective to enhance our spiritual journey?

Why Would A Good God Send Someone to Hell?
- Brian Haines

May 22, 2022 AM

Why would a good God send someone to a place as terrible as Hell? Why even make hell? This question has been asked throughout the ages, and is something for which we need to be ready with an answer.

We Need Soul Winners
- Brian Haines

May 15, 2022 AM

Soul Winner is a term that comes from statements made by Paul in 1 Corinthians 9. He said he does all things to win souls. Are we such people?

Tabitha and Workers
- Brian Haines

May 8, 2022 AM

When Peter raised Tabitha from the dead, it may have given us a hint as to who the most important servants in a congregation are. Hint: it is a work that all Christians are called and qualified to serve, and it is a matter of judgment.

The Collection and 1 Corinthians 16
- Brian Haines

May 1, 2022 AM

Paul directed the Corinthians to set aside something each week for the purpose of the workings of the church. How does this apply to us today?

Church Discipline and 1 Corinthians 5
- Brian Haines

April 24, 2022 AM

Paul advised the Corinthians to remove the sinful person from among them. How is this an important command for us today?

Abstinence from Sin and 1 Corinthians 6
- Brian Haines

April 17, 2022 AM

Abstinence: to abstain from. 1 chapter 6 Paul directs the Corinthians to abstain from sin in order that they not be disqualified from their inheritance. This lesson discusses the concept of an inheritance and how we can lose ours if we fail to remain righteous.

Resurrection and 1 Corinthians 15
- Brian Haines

April 10, 2022 AM

The Resurrection of the dead is a main pillar of the Way of Christ (Heb. 6:1-2). Paul discusses this at length in 1 Corinthians 15

Division and 1 Corinthians 1
- Brian Haines

April 3, 2022 AM

Paul's letter to the Corinthians begins by discussing the nature of division. What important lessons do we need to learn from his teaching?

Communion and 1 Corinthians 11
- Brian Haines

March 27, 2022 AM

Paul admonished the Corinthians in regards to the Lord's Supper. They were failing to partake in a worthy manner. What is it about Communion that we need to understand in order to rightly discern the Body of Christ?

Worship and 1 Corinthians 14
- Brian Haines

March 20, 2022 AM

Paul describes the nature of worship in 1 Corinthians 11-14. In chapter 14 he gives us a number of principles about worship that we need to know.

Marriage and 1 Corinthians 7
- Brian Haines

March 13, 2022 AM

Paul told the Christians in Corinth how marriage ought to work, and the obligations found in marriage. The marriage bed is important, and we need to understand what God commands.

Christian Liberty and 1 Corinthians 8
- Brian Haines

March 6, 2022 AM

Christian Liberty - it is often confused with liberty in a political sense, but it is quite different. Christian liberty refers to our ability to abstain from things that God has permitted in order to strengthen our brethren.

Famous Last Words
- Brian Haines

February 27, 2022 AM

The Bible contains the last words of many people, both good and evil. What is the value of studying these last words, and how do last words reflect the lives of people who say them?

Your Adversary
- Brian Haines

February 20, 2022 AM

Our adversary the devil seeks to overcome us and cause us to surrender our reward. But if we take time to learn his schemes, we can resist him and he will flee from us.

Feminism and the Bible
- Brian Haines

February 13, 2022 AM

How does the modern ideology of feminism compare to the doctrines of the New Testament? What is feminism rooted in, and what is the mindset of one who is in the Way of Christ on this subject?

Do Lifestyle Choices Hurt Others?
- Brian Haines

February 6, 2022 AM

Many people today live in sexual immorality. They often declare that their lifestyles do not hurt anyone. Is that true? What does the Word of God say about sexual immorality?

Attitudes of Maturity
- Brian Haines

January 30, 2022 AM

One way we can test our spiritual maturity is to ask ourselves why we do the things we do. Often times there are different answers to these types of questions that reveal where we are in spiritual maturity and where we need to go.

The First Commandment
- Brian Haines

January 16, 2022 AM

In Mark 12 Jesus said that the first commandment was to Love God with all of our being. What did this mean, and how is this first in the commandments of God?

Being a Common Evangelist
- Brian Haines

January 9, 2022 AM

The Gospel is a synonym for the New Testament. We seek to bring the Gospel to others. How can we be people who do this in our day to day lives?

Give It A Year
- Brian Haines

January 2, 2022 AM

Luke 13:6 He also spoke this parable: "A certain man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard, and he came seeking fruit on it and found none. Then he said to the keeper of his vineyard, 'Look, for three years I have come seeking fruit on this fig tree and find none. Cut it down; why does it use up the ground?' But he answered and said to him, 'Sir, let it alone this year also, until I dig around it and fertilize it. 'And if it bears fruit, well. But if not, after that you can cut it down.'"

Daniel 7 and the Kingdom
- Brian Haines

December 19, 2021 AM

Daniel records two visions of the coming Kingdom of the Messiah. That kingdom came to be when Jesus arose from the grave. How is it that the kingdom is a synonym for the church that Jesus built?

Daniel 6 and Civil Disobedience
- Brian Haines

December 12, 2021 AM

As Christians, we are to render to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's. Sometimes Caesar desires what belongs to God, and we must then disobey. What should that look like? Daniel 6 is a lesson on prayer and when and how to disobey the government.

Daniel 5 and Accountability
- Brian Haines

December 5, 2021 AM

Daniel 5 tells the story of the fall of King Belshazzar of Babylon. His fall was preceded by a "writing on the wall" by God. The lessons here are (1) everyone is accountable before God and (2) do not misuse holy things

Responses to God
- Michael Hetzer

November 28, 2021 AM

The Bible gives us many examples of the responses of men to God. Michael Hetzer examines these things in the Scriptures to give us a thought: how will we respond to God?

Neglecting Your Salvation
- Ryan Sollars

November 21, 2021 AM

Hebrews 2:3 how shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation? After it was at the first spoken through the Lord, it was confirmed to us by those who heard,

Three Wise Men Stand Fast
- Brian Haines

November 14, 2021 AM

Daniel 3 tells us the story of the real three wise men of Scripture who stood against the most powerful ruler in the world in a battle of wills for their souls. How they overcame is an important lesson to us on the struggles we face in Christ, and the confidence we ought to have when facing trials.

Daniel 1 and Why We Need God
- Brian Haines

November 7, 2021 AM

Daniel chapter 1 introduces us to the young nobleman Daniel. He is taken from his home and exiled in a foreign land. Yet he purposes in his heart to be committed to God. Daniel understood that he needed God. We need to learn the same.

You Are Wearing That?
- Brian Haines

October 31, 2021 AM

How should Christians address questions of modesty? What is the difference between being modest or being indecent? What does the Bible say about how Christians should dress? This lesson looks at Old Testament ideas with New Testament applications.

What Does Accountability Look Like
- Brian Haines

October 24, 2021 AM

When the Bible speaks of accountability, it describes us being held accountable for certain aspects of our lives. What do we need to do to make application of these principles and be found right with God on the day of examination?

Why Don't You Like Yourself?
- Brian Haines

October 17, 2021 AM

A great many people in the Bible struggled with liking themselves. It may surprise you that being successful in Christ requires the ability to love ourselves. Why is it that we struggle with this so often?

The Dangers of Personal Testimony
- Brian Haines

October 10, 2021 AM

Personal testimony is a practice found in many denominations that is contrary to the Biblical understanding of salvation. But there is also a new pracitice in the world of putting a great weight on personal experiences to determine truth. How does the Word of God stand against these ideas?

Treasure Your Salvation
- Brian Haines

October 3, 2021 AM

Jesus described the Kingdom of Heaven as a treasure. How we treat that treasure is a subject of great importance. Do you "treasure" your heavenly treasure?

John 14 and Paraklete
- Brian Haines

September 26, 2021 AM

Jesus told His apostles in John 14 that He was soon to leave them. But He told them that someone was coming to be with them in His place: Paraklete, the Helper. Who is this Helper, and how does He help us?

Testing Your Membership
- Brian Haines

September 19, 2021 AM

The words Fellowship and Membership are often confused. Fellowship pertains to your relationship in the kingdom, while membership relates to your place in a local church. Starting in 1 Corinthians 12, this lesson is meant to test you as to whether you are a member in good standing in a local congregation

Genesis 1-12: Descent into Sin
- Brendan Ashby

September 12, 2021 AM

Genesis 1-12 describes the earliest history of humans. It is a history of man and sin, and how we were in rebellion against God from the beginning

Five "P"s of Prayer
- Brian Haines

September 5, 2021 AM

In Luke 11 Jesus' disciples asked Him to teach them how to pray. He first gave them the model of prayer. But throughout His life he demonstrated how prayer can be successful. This lesson breaks down these ideas into five "P"s of prayer

No Surprises
- Brian Haines

August 29, 2021 AM

We are told repeatedly in the Bible about the circumstances of sin, righteousness and what to expect in the judgment. In this life and in the next, there really are no surprises.

The Children of Pride
- Brian Haines

August 22, 2021 AM

Jesus described wisdom as being known by all of her children. Is it possible that we can discern when pride is present by the children of pride? An examination of 1 Timothy 6:4

Buried Talents
- Brian Haines

August 15, 2021 AM

In Matthew 25 Jesus gave us the parable of the talents. In the parable, one of the people buried his talent and was condemned by God. Why did he bury his talent, and why is it that we often do not use our talents to serve God?

Spiritual Fraud
- Brian Haines

August 8, 2021 AM

We live in a world where fraud happens all the time. Fraud is bring robbed by uninformed consent. The Scriptures warn us repeatedly of the dangers of being defrauded of our eternal inheritance. What ways can we avoid being cheated of our reward?

Struggles of a Local Church
- Brian Haines

August 1, 2021 AM

The local church is often struggling in a manner like a tug-of-war. We all need to be doing our part in this work; slipping or not pulling works against the team

Understanding Figurative and Literal Language
- Brian Haines

July 25, 2021 AM

The Bible tells us that it can be understood by anyone (Eph. 3:3). However, it also tells us that sometimes it is hard to understand (2 Pet. 3:16). One of the difficult aspects of Scripture for many is discerning when they are speaking in figurative or in literal language. This lesson prepares skills to learn how to know when the Bible is speaking in literal or figurative language

Works Prepared Beforehand
- Brian Haines

July 18, 2021 AM

What are the works of being a Christian? Paul told the Ephesians that God had prepared works for them to accomplish in Him. He then goes on to discuss those works. How is it we labor for the Lord as Christians, as husbands and wives, as parents and children?

The Success of the Church
- Mark Dunagan

July 11, 2021 AM

A discussion of the church as the eternal purpose of God, and why it succeeds in difficult times

A War Against Free Will
- Brian Haines

July 4, 2021 AM

Our free will is an important part of our identity. We are told repeatedly in the Bible that we must make the choice to pursue the things of God. Yet there are many doctrines and ideologies that seek to revoke that free will. This lesson examines five ideologies at war with free will: (1) The Sinful Nature; (2) Predestination; (3) Evolutionary theory; (4) Homosexuality and Deviant Sexuality; (5) Critical Theories

What Was So Great About David
- Brian Haines

June 13, 2021 AM

God said that "I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after My own heart". We know that David was not perfect; so what was it that was so great that God would identify David as a uniquely Godly man?

Render Unto Caesar
- Brian Haines

June 6, 2021 AM

Jesus said that we are to "render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's, and to God that which is God's". This teaching was expounded on in Romans 13 and 1 Peter 2. How are we as Christians to engage with our civic leaders, and at what point are we to reject their rules to follow Christ?

The Last Day
- Brian Haines

May 30, 2021 AM

The Bible speaks often of the last day. It is called the day of judgment, the day of the resurrection, the day that all things are destroyed. Are you ready for that day? What matters most on that day?

We Can Understand The Bible Alike
- Brian Haines

May 16, 2021 AM

One of the most important questions in regards to the unity Jesus desired (John 17) is whether or not it is possible for people to understand the Bible in a similar manner. If it is not possible, why does God expect us to? If it is possible, why then does it seem that no one does?

Discerning the Lord's Body
- Brian Haines

May 9, 2021 AM

1 Corinthians 11:28 But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of the bread and drink of the cup. 29 For he who eats and drinks in an unworthy manner eats and drinks judgment to himself, not discerning the Lord's body. Paul declares that when we partake in the Lord's Supper, we need to discern the Lord's Body. What does this mean?

Healthy Skepticism
- Brian Haines

May 2, 2021 AM

Many people consider that faith and skepticism are in opposition to one another. However, the Scriptures teach that true believers have a healthy skepticism and will "test all things"

Lifting the Hands of the Evil
- Brian Haines

April 25, 2021 AM

God condemned the prophets of Judah in Jeremiah 23 because "they strengthen the hands of evildoers, so that no one has turned back from his wickedness". Are we possibly guilty of the same when we support the unrighteous?

Accurately Handling the Word of Truth
- Brian Haines

April 18, 2021 AM

In 2 Timothy 2:15, Paul gives Timothy (and us) an important command. We are to be diligent to present ourselves to God as workmen. Our work product is something we should not be ashamed to have inspected, as seen in the parable of the talents in Matthew 25. How can we be such workmen? By accurately handling the Word of Truth, which is the Scriptures, the Word of God. How do we accurately handle the Word of Truth?

What If God Gave to Us as We Give to Him
- Brian Haines

April 11, 2021 AM

Jesus said that " For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you." What if God gave back by the measure of your service to God?

Did Jesus Rise From the Dead?
- Brian Haines

April 4, 2021 AM

Our entire faith hinges on one event: the resurrection of Jesus. How can we believe that this event really happened?

The Sacred System of Christ
- Brian Haines

March 28, 2021 AM

Those who are in Christ are priests of God offering spiritual sacrifices. How does the old priesthood of Moses teach us about this?

A Scripturally Unorganized Congregation
- Brian Haines

March 21, 2021 AM

Recent changes in our congregation have made us a scripturally unorganized congregation. What does that mean, and how do we learn to behave in these circumstances?

Listen to Warnings
- Ryan Sollars

March 14, 2021 AM

Paying attention to the warnings of Scripture is a matter of spiritual life or death. Do you pay attention to these warnings?

Survey of Revelation (Pt. 3)
- Brian Haines

March 7, 2021 AM

The final portion of our survey of Revelation, covering chapters 11-22.

Survey of Revelation (Pt. 2)
- Brian Haines

February 28, 2021 AM

A continuation of the survey of Revelation. Picking up at chapter 4, we are contrasting the prophecies in chapters 4-5 with Ezekiel, and chapters 6-10 with Matthew 24 and Zechariah.

Survey of Revelation (Pt. 1)
- Brian Haines

February 21, 2021 AM

An overview of the book of Revelation (in two parts).

In the Spirit On the Lord's Day
- Brian Haines

February 14, 2021 AM

Revelation 1 begins with John telling us his vision occurred while he was "in the Spirit, on the Lord's Day". What is the Lord's Day? What does it mean to be "in the spirit"?

The Dangers of Worldly Fears
- Brian Haines

February 7, 2021 AM

We live in a time when fear has driven many to forsake God. Fear of sickness and death; fear of being ridiculed or prosecuted; fear of being in the wrong. Fearing worldly things leads to all sorts of sins as revealed in the Scriptures. Instead, we ought to have the Fear of the Lord in all things.

Simon the Sorcerer's Heart
- Brian Haines

January 31, 2021 AM

Simon the Sorcerer is often held up as an example of a heart that was bound by iniquity. But there is another characteristic worth considering in this man that we might want to emulate.

Why a Church Relationship Is So Important
- Brian Haines

January 24, 2021 AM

How important is it to have a relationship as a member of a local church? Here are five reasons that make it clear that one is not a Christian without the local church.

What Was Great About 2020
- Brian Haines

December 27, 2020 AM

2020 was the hardest year many of us have ever experienced. But it was a different experience for those in Christ as opposed to those of the world. Why would Christians proclaim that 2020 brought some great things?

Are you "Woke"
- Brian Haines

December 20, 2020 AM

The term "woke" has taken on a special meaning in the last years. Wikipedia states "Woke is a political term originating in the United States referring to a perceived awareness of issues concerning social justice and racial justice". It is a bit obnoxious in its usage, and yet it has an important biblical concept. There are truths that many are not aware of, and when they come to that truth, they are described in Scripture as "Woke".

Truth and Gender
- Brian Haines

December 13, 2020 AM

Today gender politics (matters like transgender, non-binary, or gender fluidity) are heated topics. What do the Scriptures say about this?

The Day of Pentecost
- Brian Haines

December 6, 2020 AM

Acts 2 is one of the most important chapters of the Bible. It tells us the story of the opening of the Kingdom of Heaven for man, and reveals what we must do to be saved.

Why Christians Don't Drink
- Brian Haines

November 29, 2020 AM

The Bible speaks at length on the issue of drunkeness. But what many do not know is that the Bible also speaks a great deal on drinking itself. When we look into this, we can see why Christians Don't Drink.

God's Nature in Nature
- Brian Haines

November 15, 2020 AM

Paul spoke of how God's nature can be seen in Nature around us in Romans 1. What characteristics of God should we see in the world around us?

Sheba and Nineveh Rise in Judgment
- Brian Haines

November 8, 2020 AM

Jesus warned us that on the Day of Resurrection, the Queen of Sheba and the People of Nineveh will rise in judgment on us if we have not committed ourselves to the Gospel. What did He mean?

Naaman and Baptism
- Brian Haines

November 1, 2020 AM

Jesus used Naaman as an example of righteous conduct today. How was Naaman a model of salvation through obedience to the command of baptism?

The First Denomination
- Brian Haines

October 25, 2020 AM

At the end of the first century the prophesied pattern of apostasy had kicked in, and soon there were many groups who had formatted their own version of the Gospel. We call this division denominationalism today. What was the first denomination? It was called the Way of Jeroboam.

Dwelling in Peace with Others
- Brian Haines

October 18, 2020 AM

Followers of Jesus are called to be a people of peace. We pursue peace, we make peace, and we seek to live in peace. Why is this so important?

Positive Attitude and Philippians
- Brian Haines

October 11, 2020 AM

Paul's letter to the Philippians commended them to have the right mind on the things of this world. How is it that a positive mindset affects our faith, and how can we pursue this?

Considering Change
- Brian Haines

October 4, 2020 AM

2020 has been a year of changes for our congregation. This lesson considers (1) how while God does not change, we do, and (2) the important considerations we must make to change appropriately to our circumstances.

Submit to One Another
- Brian Haines

September 27, 2020 AM

"Yes, all of you be submissive to one another, and be clothed with humility, for 'God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.'" 1 Peter 5:5 The way of Christ is a path built on submission. How we submit to others is how we manifest the love of Christ.

The Nature of Demons
- Brian Haines

September 20, 2020 AM

The nature of demons and their works is a greatly misunderstood concept in the world. Why was there a change in demonic activity between the Old Testament and the time of Christ, and how are demons influencing men today?

King Asa's Feet
- Brian Haines

September 13, 2020 AM

King Asa was a Godly king who at the end of his life had problems with his feet. Yet rather than turning to God, he turned to his physicians. What lesson can we learn from this?

The Provocation of God
- Brian Haines

September 6, 2020 AM

Why do bad things happen that sometimes seem to draw men away from God? Why would God let something happen that reduces faith? This lesson considers the nature of the provocation of God. Is it possible you are provoking God to action right now?

The Complaints of the Prophets
- Brian Haines

August 30, 2020 AM

We are told in James 5 to consider the lives of the prophets. The Old Testament prophets had it hard, and their complaints tended to run in the same vein. Many declared that they wished they were dead. How does their lesson of patience affect us as modern prophets of God?

Speak the Truth to One Another
- Brian Haines

August 23, 2020 AM

The Apostle Paul quotes the prophet Zechariah to tell us that we need to speak the truth to one another and not lie to one another. Lying is an easy habit to fall into, and causes great damage to our lives. What aspects of Zechariah's world provoked this warning, and how does that apply to us today?

Admonish One Another
- Brian Haines

August 16, 2020 AM

Scriptures speak of the need to admonish one another, and to be admonished by others. Many of us are not Spiritually prepared to receive this important work, or share it with others. What spiritual steps are needed to be admonishable and able to admonish?

The Mob Mentality
- Brian Haines

August 9, 2020 AM

The news today is filled with images of protestors clashing with law enforcement. Christians CANNOT participate in such behavior. Yet the same truth that keeps us from this is often violated by Christians in social media and conversation. What is the Mob Mentality, how do we unknowingly participate in it, and what is the consequence of this?

The Ethiopian Worshipper
- Brian Haines

August 2, 2020 AM

Acts 8 tells us of the conversion of the Ethiopian Eunuch. While this example teaches much about the conversion process, the more remarkable thing is the nature of the convert and his reason for being in Jerusalem. Perhaps an even greater lesson from his story is not about how to be converted, but who can be converted.

Communion Versus Coronavirus
- Brian Haines

July 26, 2020 AM

The New Testament church assembled each first day of the week to observe the Lord's Supper. How do we handle communion in the time of quarantine and restriction? This lesson explains why we worship the way we do at this time, what we have authority to do and not to do, and how we should use this liberty.

A Faith Like Abraham
- Mark Dunagan

July 19, 2020 AM

Romans 4:16-22 describes the faith of Abraham. How much do we trust in God in our lives and actions?

Why So Few People Are Going To Heaven
- Brian Haines

July 12, 2020 AM

Jesus' disciples asked: Why are there few who are saved? The truth is that only people who make heaven their absolute goal are going to get to heaven. The Scriptures teach that not only are only a few people saved, but even of the "saved", only a few will remain faithful to the end. You need to ask: am I going to heaven?

Confess Your Sins to One Another
- Brian Haines

July 5, 2020 AM

James 5:16 commands Christians to confess their sins to one another. This lesson discusses why this command was given, what it is NOT about, why we struggle to do this, and what this confession should look like.

Pray for One Another
- Brian Haines

June 28, 2020 AM

James 5 commands us to pray for one another. Jesus said that we needed to learn how to pray, and the Scriptures teach us how to pray, to whom to pray, and what to pray. They also tell us of what we need to expect to receive from prayer.

Accept One Another
- Brian Haines

June 21, 2020 AM

Racism, prejudice and discrimination are works of the flesh that a disciple of Christ must work to overcome. Yet there is a type of discrimination that we are to have according to Jesus.

Warring Wisdoms
- Brian Haines

June 14, 2020 AM

In 1 Kings 18:19-40 there is the story of one of the most powerful battles in history. It is a war of ideas; the false god Baal verses the God of Truth Jehovah. It was waged by their generals, Elijah for Jehovah and 850 prophets and priests of Baal and Ashtoreth. It was waged on Mount Carmel, and the prize was the hearts and souls of the Kingdom of Israel. Today we war against the philosophies of man such as materialism or evolution. Who will win?

Consider One Another
- Brian Haines

June 7, 2020 AM

The context of Romans 14 pertains to offending others when we need not do so. Specifically, it was about eating meats sacrificed to animals (and what was clean and unclean). All Christians should have understood idols were nothing (1 Cor. 8), but some still felt conscientious about it, while others (unbelievers) lacked knowledge of their meaninglessness. It was possible to cause someone to sin with this act, by either offending or causing them to trespass their conscience. Therefore, Paul was directing Christians to consider not doing something for the sake of others. This is the definition of Christian liberty: the ability to surrender something for the sake of others.

Senseless Idols
- Brian Haines

May 31, 2020 AM

There is a plea to Israel to turn away from Idols in Isaiah 44:12-18. We see that the servant of idols destroys themselves, we see that the servant of the idol just makes the idol of themselves, and we see the senseless nature of creating an idol.

Is Missing the Assembly Forsaking It?
- Brian Haines

March 15, 2020 AM

What are the expectations of membership at the Sunset congregation? First, we expect that members will join in the assembly of the saints that is centered on communion (1 Cor. 11:18-20). Hebrews 10:25-26 make it clear that forsaking that assembly is a willful sin. Second, we ask that members participate in edification, meaning that they join us for studying the word of God. In doing this they are ringing encouragement (1 Thes. 5:11). While the expectation of their presence is less than that of the assembly, it is still sinful to ignore the command to edify and study. Finally, along the same lines, we ask that members participate in personal engagement, which is to say our times when we gather house to house (Acts 2:46).

Judging Others On Their Fears
- Brian Haines

March 15, 2020 PM

Is fear a proper motivator? Should we be willing to face death without fear? As we are in the midst of a crisis we are seeing different congregations make choices to limit or altogether cancel the assembly times. As we have discussed, there are times that one simply cannot be present in the assembly, and this is not forsaking the assembly. If the decency and order of an assembly cannot be maintained, then it is not appropriate to assemble.